Interior Design Services
We start with a one hour consultation in your home to discuss your interior design needs. You will then receive a personalized plan that coincides with your lifestyle, timeline and budget.
Services are then charged at a competitive hourly rate, and may
include furniture layouts, color and style direction, purchasing (or links for direct purchases), re-purposing/refreshing items, paint color selections, floor and window coverings, and installation.
Hourly Rate $125

Staging Services
Available to both real estate agents and sellers, we start with a one hour walk through of the property to be sold, providing a written recommendation for staging the home to sell. It will address furniture layout, items to retain or store, and small cosmetic changes that translate to high sales appeal.
Home owners may carry out the plan themselves, or retain our services at an hourly rate. If items are needed for staging we can pull from our inventory of furnishings and decor.
Hourly Rate $125

Organization Services
In a one hour consultation in your home, we will walk through your space and discuss what is and isn't working for you or your family. We will then provide you with a clear outline for your project. You may use this outline on your own, or retain our services at an hourly rate.
Projects may range widely from client to client, ,but can include organization of closets, pantries, drawers, garages, downsizing, de-cluttering, wardrobe styling, packing/unpacking for moves, pre- or post-holiday organization, purchasing of organizational items and more.
Hourly Rate $125

Holiday Services
We can tailor interior holiday decorating or un-decorating services to your needs. Services available include tree decorating, mantlescapes, tablescapes, pre-party decoration and flow planning, gift wrap coordination and wrapping, and more. After the holiday we offer un-decorating services that include procuring proper storage supplies if needed, and careful packaging of all decor for storage.